Saturday, July 2, 2011

Early Mornings.

Okay so the blogging has not gone so well lately. Pictures have been really hard to upload this month for some reason. They would take forever and sometimes not load and over all got me crazy frustrated so I gave up for a while. Lets see if this post is going to bring it all back home!

Mornings this summer are this. Me getting up fairly early, kids still sleeping, hubby already gone to work. I am loving this quiet time I am getting. These are the pics of my back yard where I am spending my mornings reading, drinking tea and loving it! This bit of me time is so fantastic. I putter around too. Watering, checking out my garden, just loving the sunshine. I am sure the other neighbours look over and laugh. I am out in my housecoat with a big giant sun hat and a cup of tea.

So everyone enjoy your mornings and I will try and be more blogging available! Ha ha.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Break

I am finally getting up some spring break pics! It has been crazy here. We were in Cabo with my parents and friends we met last year from Salt Lake City and cousins and their kids. We had a ball, relaxing and drinking and eating. The kids loved playing with their cousins and friends. It was another amazing trip.

This was our fourth year in Cabo at the same resort and we absolutely love it. The staff is amazing, and the food is stellar. And being all inclusive means it is a holiday for me too. I spent most of my time laying on the lawn chair and reading on my newly acquired (for this trip) kindle. I came back refreshed and ready to begin spring. Unfortunately, mother nature has other ideas. We have had record setting snow falls. Two in the last week and half. Good times. So I will sit here in my warm clothes unpatiently waiting for spring. I am needing all my warm weather clothes to be brought out. Hopefully soon!

Friday, April 8, 2011

I am back!

We are back after a couple fabulous weeks away in Cabo! Pic's will be up soon, after I am done the 15 loads of laundry and getting back into the grind.

Glad to be back.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sunday brunch

So we wound up the weekend with Hubby away with breakfast out. Had great crepe's and eggs benedict. Ladybug and Cafe is such a great place to have breakie. The vibe is so french. I imagine it is what Paris is like for breakfast. I have never been but my imagination is rampant.

I have been really contentious about trying to eat right and get the old bod back before we head to Cabo for spring break and I am back in some pants that haven't been in for a few months. Felt great. These are the pants. They are some of the gap trousers and i do love them. I think they are perfect for this weather and I love how they showcase the SHOES!!!! This great denim is shirt is Joe Fresh, and it comes with a belt but I feel it makes me look huge. So wearing it loose like this feels much better.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Girls night out!

Had a great night out Saturday with some girls who I haven't seen all together in like 10 years!! We all used to work together waitressing and we got together at the pub by my house to catch up and laugh.

I wore my new again fave R and R jeans and a new top from Anthropology that I just love. Got a lot of compliments and felt pretty! And these amazing best deal ever new shoes.

Hubby is away and the kids and I decided to go to the mall. I actually stopped in the Bay to use the ladies room, which is by the shoe department, amazingly smart layout! When I came out I noticed this great rack of clearance shoes. And everything was 50% off the last price. I cam across these beauty Rachel Rachel Roy shoes and noticed the price said $49.99! Original price was $175! So I took them up to the till after trying them on and thought for sure they would tell me they were priced wrong. They weren't! I got them for $26!!!!! Score!! The great bonus is that they are amazingly comfy even with my terrible foot, they were fantastic.

So my husbands children ( I call them that because this weekend I am not so impressed with them) were crazy all weekend. And I just found out that Jaker's has Monday off school, this is after him being home all week with strep throat. Calgon take me away.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yesterday, keeping warm.

This is my attempt at taking my own pics. Sorry for the glare. And the unmade bed. Whoops. I am wearing the R& R jeans again that I had made to skinny jeans. They really are great! The shirt is a puff shoulder one that I sort of forgot that I had, from Tristan. See, another outfit with mostly black. I threw on the multi colored scarf for some brightness. Noticing in these pics that I need to do some more to my bedroom. A little more personality I think. Time to scour the blogs for ideas.


Please hurry Spring.

This is what I am looking at and what I am wearing. Boooo

This is what I want to be wearing. Hurry up Spring.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Darlin Hubby and I had a night out at friends last night. Such fun. Good to see friends we hadn't seen in awhile and celebrate a birthday too! I decided to try a new shirt we bought while in Vegas. I wasn't sure but went with it. Turns out I really liked it. I am always worried that with animal print I will end up looking cougar or hootchie mama. I think I was okay!

Did not care at all about the peep toe heels and the snow outside. I am so sick and tired of wearing Uggs. The jeans I am wearing are ones that I had bought a year ago in Seattle and didn't wear much cause they were a boot cut. So I had my seamstress taper them for me. She did a couple of my pairs and I love it. Now I wear them all the time. Good thing cause they are Rock and Republics and those should never just sit in the closet!!!

Today it will be back to Uggs and all things winter practical. Off to Jaker's playoff hockey game and freezing my but in an arena. Ahhh....the life of a hockey mom!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Okay so I can officially call my self the worst blogger! After being home for a couple weeks I am finally going to post Vegas pics. We had a great time. LOTS, and lots of shopping. And great dinners out. We tried Tao which I was very excited to try. Very disappointed. Zero atmosphere! My hubs explained it like a cafeteria with the lights on dim. Food was great. We had items from a charity menu they had available. We loved, loved the Prime steakhouse in the Bellagio. Also, Olives in the Bellagio was gooooood.

Because I am not a huge breakfast eater, due to the fact I hate cooking breakie, breakfast is always my fav when we are away. We did buffet breakfasts in the morning. So great. Eggs benny, and tons of fresh fruit and tea. Fantastic way to start the morn.

You will notice in my pics my new baby. A beauty metallic gold/bronze mixed color Michael Kors handbag. Ended up not going with the one I thought I wanted, so glad. I absolutely love this one!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Vegas bound!

Well my lovelies, I am off to Vegas tomorrow morning. Happy Birthday to me! I am so looking forward to sleeping late and eating out and causing havoc. Just kidding on that last part. I am also really looking forward to just spending time with my sweet hubby. Always good to reconnect with your mate once in a while. So I am going to take lots of pics of my trip and of my wardrobe. And when I get back I will have such exciting posts for you!! Ha ha. We shall see. I always have good intentions of taking lots of pics but it never seems to happen. I guess I get too caught up in the moment to actually pull the camera out. Ciao beauties. See you soon!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Friday Before.

The Friday before the big storm. Getting dressed with adorable little flats before all the snow came. ALL WEEKEND. For any of you who don't know, I hate winter. Like really hate winter! I actually loath winter. Not only do I hate being cold but I hate how much snow and cold limits my footwear choices. If I lived in, say Cali, I would be free to walk in little adorable flats and wedges and heels to my hearts content. Since Friday my feet have been encased in Uggs. Which, I like but it just becomes so not fun!

Anyway, the snow will be melting hopefully this week, and next week I am off to Vegas! Ahhh......the shoes I can wear there. The possibilities are endless.

Cheers my lovelies!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Michael Kors Dreaming

So this is the beauty Michael Kors bag I am coveting.images.jpg I am thinking it will be a purchase in Vegas. I am also needing some new sunglassesimgres.jpegperhaps, these. So far nothing else on the list. Anyone else coveting or dreaming of new purchases?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yay, the new table is here!

So the new table is finally here. It took a month almost for them to ship from store to store at Potter Barn. Anyway it is finally here and set up, thanks to me and Jake, and I am happy. It turns out I don't like it too much without the leaf in it. Feels a alittle small in the space without it. The pictures on the wall need to be replaced. Hubby is sick of looking at them. So I am on the hunt for new ones. Tonight will be a dinner all together at our new spot. That will be nice. Now I can reset my dining room up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

img1m.jpg This is my new table that I am waiting desperately for. We order it beginning of January but it is not here. GRRRRRR. We will be using the same chairs as in the pic. As we gave our table to charity we are currently using our dining room for all eating. And I want my kitchen nook back! I am so ready for this table. We had a table and chairs that Dave had bought before we were together from Costco and it was nasty but it was good while the chillens were little. We didn't care about them dinging it up or coloring on it. I am so ready for my grown up kitchen look. If it ever arrrives I will post a pic of it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Casual Carrie

This is actually not me today. I am not wearing clothes even slightly as presentable as this. But, lets pretend.
Today I need to clean the house. Boo! But that would involve actually getting out of my reading chair and to stop reading.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So after a nice quiet weekend due to no hockey, I am ready to send my kids away!!! Because there was not much going on, tonight they are driving me around the bend.

Saturday night was dinner at a friends with the kids and a couple other families. It was a great time. I wanted to wear something comfy and casual but add some color pop. And now that there are no rules left in fashion I paired an orange necklace with red shoes. Crazy, I know. I really live outside the box!

My pictures have some work to be done, but my 12 year old has become my official photographer. Quite a few pics had to be deleted due to his finger in the shot. And this one, the dog snuck in.

This week brings crazyness in my driving. With exams with one kid at one school, which means short days, and the other one working on a project, it shall be me and my truck all day long. Ahhh well this is what I signed up for and I am good with it, but I do like to have a small moment of whining. Cheers!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finally I have figured it out!!!

Forever, forever, forever. That is how long it has been since I blogged. Here is yesterdays outfit. It is me sans make up because I had been for a microdermabrasion facial and there was no way I was putting anything on my pristine skin! My sweet friend D took the picture that had to be outside so I could hide under my sunglasses.

So, since I last saw you all I have had a birthday. 37, ouch! But with all birthdays come reflection, time for adjustment and PARTIES!! I had a great dinner with friends at another friend's house in the hood. Great to have sucked back a few Grey Gooses and walked home. Okay, I ran because it was freezing out! But then I crawled into my warm bed and as I turned out the lights I looked at my dear hubby and said "Yep, another year. But so far, they just keep getting better." Who knew the older I got the better I would like it all.

And now that I have figured out how to load pics on the imac I am going to be on this blog thing like white on rice! In fact I am getting the little man to take a pic any minute for tomorrows blog. Yahoo!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Years, New Me

So as we start a new year we load ourselves down with resolutions that seem to work the first couple weeks and then slowly(or sometimes overnight) go by the wayside.This year I am not making crazy ones about how many times I will get to the gym and how I am cutting out all refined foods. (I say crazy because they never seem to work when I try and get vigilant). This year I am going to slowly incorporate new and better ways to do things. Maybe, try to appreciate the sunshine a little more, open the window a time or two more often, and try to incorporate health into our lives a little more.
I am realizing I have to expect a little less from my kids. Now that they are the age they are I feel they can do most things themselves. Wrong. Take Jenna. For those of you that don't know my girl Jenna, she is a sugar addict. ADDICT! She is the first one to find any candy or junk in the house and consume it ridiculously fast! If given the chance she would sneak an entire sugar bowl if she could. I have gotten into this easy processed food trap that I said I never would. I just tell her to grab a snack when she is hungry and her first choice is the pantry. Never the fridge where the "real" food is. When the babies were babies I only feed them natural foods that I had made and snacks came in the form of dried fruits and healthy treats from the health food store. I need to go back! Jenna needs fruit and veggies as a snack, or healthy options that I have gotten ready for her. I need to be more vigilant with her. We have been trying to detox her from all the white flour and sugar she consumed on Christmas vacation. She did not choose healthy options at the resort and we didn't want to make big scenes in every restaurant. So now we are home and trying to be on the straight and narrow.
Lets see how this one works for a new little bit of healthy. That is what I am going to try and do for the new year. I will be the one chained to the kitchen making healthy snacks for all!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Here are the actual boots. Better pic.
so these are my outfit today posts. Love the beauty job of pics? Can't figure out how to take full length shots on my computer. Part of the learning curve I guess! Anyway, army green skinny cargo's from AE, black patent lace up boots, grey batwing top , white tank and multi color scarf. I will keep trying to figure this computer stuff out! Thanks for your patience darlin's.